Awaken Your Inner Wisdom with Cissi Williams

Meet the Animal Elders with Asha Frost

Cissi Williams/Asha Frost Season 12 Episode 6

Meet the wonderful Asha Frost, who’s an Indigenous Medicine Woman, and healer, and she’s just come out with a new oracle deck called the Animal Elders Oracle.

Asha will share with us how her own relationship with the Animal Spirits began, and how this deck can help us connect more deeply with the wisdom from our animal spirits, and from our elders.

She’ll also do a card reading for all of us – which absolutely floored me – it was so spot on!!! And it would not surprise me if it will be incredibly accurate for you too. 

So bring your question into the session, and let this card reading speak to you. Trust that the message coming through – whenever you listen to this - is right for you at this time.

Asha is the author of the groundbreaking book You Are the Medicine, and the creator of The Sacred Medicine Oracle.

If you want to find out more about Asha, and her work, then visit