Awaken Your Inner Wisdom with Cissi Williams
There’s an ancient feminine wisdom embedded within your bones, wired into your DNA, and flowing through your veins - and she's meant to awaken within you, so she can RISE, and guide you on your journey, whispering to you where you are meant to go, what you are meant to do, what you are meant to say and to whom.
By following this inner wisdom’s guidance, you tune into the Sacred Feminine Intelligence that’s present in all of life – an intelligence that knows how to guide you - step-by-step - to a life where you can be authentically you, weaving your light, love and beautiful soul essence into your world.
This podcast is dedicated to helping you awaken this feminine wisdom within you, through interviews with leading spiritual teachers, shamanic practitioners and wellbeing experts, as well as through many guided shamanic journeys, guided meditations and mystical prayers.
For more inspiration visit https://www.cissiwilliams.com/podcast-awaken-your-inner-wisdom
Awaken Your Inner Wisdom with Cissi Williams
Your Heart Knows How to Heal You
In this episode I’m sharing with you an extract from my book Your Heart Knows How to Heal You – The Sacred Medicine in the Four Chambers of the Heart.
In this book your heart becomes your teacher, taking you on a journey of healing, transformation, magic and rebirth, where you awaken your inner wise woman.
This is the journey my heart took me on, when I had a heart attack – an event which was a doorway into a deeper wisdom – a wisdom found in the ancient feminine – a wisdom that I discovered was already embedded within my bones, flowing through my veins and wired into my DNA.
A wisdom that also lives within you.
In this episode I'll be sharing how your heart is like a wise teacher that knows your highest potential - and to help you reach this potential it may send you challenges as spiritual opportunities, to help you go deeper. While the outside world might see these challenges as 'bad', they may be exactly what is needed for you to become all that you are meant to be.
I'll also share how I started my own healing journey, where I initially healed my mind (which helped me heal from a deep depression and eating disorder).
And then, on a full moon in November, I received an invitation from my heart to step through another door of an initiation that would lead me into the magical realm of the ancient wisdom found in the feminine.
A journey that would guide me into the sacred medicine found in the four chambers of the heart - a medicine of healing, transformation, magic and rebirth.
To find out more about the book, visit cissiwilliams.com/yourheartknowshowtohealyou
You also find the book on Amazon, Simon and Schuster, Barnes and Noble, and Inner Traditions.
PS. I'm holding a FREE webinar on the Dark Moon, 27th of March. In this webinar I guide you into the sacred medicine found in the four chambers of your heart. A replay is sent out to everyone who signs up.
You can sign up for this free webinar here.