Awaken Your Inner Wisdom with Cissi Williams

Shamanic Healing Series: Meeting the Loving Witch of Magic

Cissi Williams Season 11 Episode 6

In this episode you’ll meet a lovely lady, who's longing to follow the path of feminine magic, but she feels her mind is stopping her. It’s as if something is holding her back. 

Through the linguistic part of our session, she discovers that she has a deep fear of stepping into her feminine magic, because she fears how it can be misused, and to protect the purity of this magic, she’s buried it deep within. 

As I track what's going on in the mythical landscape of her soul, I can witness how there’s an energy holding her in a tight grip, preventing her from moving on to the path of her Highest Destiny - which is the path of feminine magic! It’s so clear that this is what her soul really longs for her to step into. 

I can see the steps we're meant to journey through so she can meet the Ancient Loving Witch from her own ancestral lineage - a Loving Witch of Magic who holds the medicine, light and love that she’s now meant to embody again. 

We then set off on our shamanic journey together, where she begins to realise that it’s now safe for her to awaken this powerful, ancient feminine magic within her, so she can create more light and goodness in the world. 

I recommend that you listen to this episode with your eyes closed, being totally present, so you allow yourself to go on a journey with us, as this healing session may also bring up things that you may want to witness and transform and heal within you - and as you journey with us, you begin to heal too. 

Please note that this session is only a short session - my normal sessions are up to two hours, so we then go much deeper - but two-hour sessions would be way too long to share on the podcast 😊

If you want to listen to a free webinar about Shamanic Energy Medicine & the Path of the Wise Woman (which includes a shamanic journey to the Womb of Creation), just click here. You gain instant access to the replay.

If you want to listen to a talk and shamanic journey where you start to awaken this ancient feminine magic and wisdom within you, then I recommend the podcast episode called Awaken Your Feminine Power, Magic and Wisdom. You can listen to it here.

And if you want to listen to a talk and shamanic journey where you meet the Norse Goddess of Magic,
then I recommend the podcast episode called Meet Freya, the Norse Goddess of Magic, Healing and Witchcraft. You can listen to it here.

For more information on shamanic energy medicine visit Nordic Light Academy of Energy Medicine.

Please note that I don't take on any new clients, but to find a list of Teachers and Master Practitioners in Shamanic Energy Medicine, who can guide you through a shamanic healing session visit