Awaken Your Inner Wisdom with Cissi Williams

Weave a New Story Into Being with the Norse Goddess Saga

Cissi Williams Season 10 Episode 14

Meet the Norse Goddess Saga - the goddess who can see into the future by tracking the strands of what is coming.

In Swedish her name means 'story, so Saga can also help us become free of our old stories, so we instead can weave new stories into being, by becoming more  conscious of the energy we infuse into our thoughts, words and actions.

This talk and shamanic journey is from a lecture I did with my Shamanic Energy Medicine & Seidr Magic students a few months ago - where I first share briefly about the Norse goddess Freya and Idun, and then I introduce them to Saga.

Please make sure you listen to the talk before the journey, as it will give you the MAP of the journey. The talk is only 10 minutes long (and the journey starts at 10.45)

The shamanic journey itself is very hard-hitting and will absolutely help you shift your focus - from fear to love, and from doubt to trust - so you can weave a new story into being.